Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

keyword research tool

Using a keyword research tool is obviously important for you to know how many times your keyword is showing inside the body of your text. Once you have the info about your own content from the keyword density tool you begin to systematically rip apart your competitors by going to your research tool for the coup de gras. Your keyword density tool will provide you with the optimal number of times in your copy that keyword appears and make sure you are not spamming the system. While mentioning enough times your keyword, mentioning that keyword too much will turn off the user and thereby the king of search, the mighty Google. The keyword density tools you find for free online should be enough to keep you straight.

Trying to compete in the arena of internet marketing without a good keyword research tool (not to mention a free keyword tool) is like going to slay the dragon with your everyday kitchen steak knife. Big time. With a free keyword tool you have a single gun, and a small one at that. But what a solid paid keywords research tool will give you is an arsenal of firepower that can be wielded so many ways that most campaigns become virtually indefensible by the competition. There is just no way to win if you are using inferior weapons.

A good keywords research tool will provide you intelligence on the competition that the free tools will never deliver. How much content has your competitor published? Try answering all those questions with the free tool Google provides you. Owning a good keyword research tool is being serious about internet marketing. Free ain't really free. There is a price to pay for being cheap and skimping on your keyword research. Information is king and his sword is a good keywords research tool.

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